Dear Reader

Not a bookselling site - just a place where I can chat about what I've been reading lately.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

happy book dance

Yesterday, I was listening to live music, and a very sweet little girl was dancing nearby. She did these very Stravinsky Violin Concerto kicks; it was clear she took dance lessons.
My dancing today was nowhere near as impressive, but it was equally joyful and unselfconscious. What could have possessed the foottight Dear Reader to dance in joy (a dance which included dancing on my toes and spinning)? Well, it was the instant gratification of getting the newest book in the Private series.
The conversation went something like this:
DR: Is this the newest Private book? I love this series! Oh [sadly], it's the fifth book.
Convenient Co-worker: Oh, did you want the sixth book? I have it right here!
(Convenient Co-worker reveals the sixth book, with the air of a conjuror)
DR: Oh! Hurray! Oh [sadly], wait, there's a waiting list for this book.
(DR runs and checks waiting list)
DR: Oh! I'm first on the list!
Convenient Co-worker: Well, I'm done processing the book. Here you are.
(Convenient Co-Worker looks on in bemusement as DR starts dancing)

Yeah, I hardly believe it myself, but it really did happen.