Dear Reader

Not a bookselling site - just a place where I can chat about what I've been reading lately.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Abbey Girls at home (and at work)

I finally made time to read those unabridged copies of New Abbey Girls and Abbey Girls Again that I'd gotten - and predictably, I'm re-reading the series now. I won't re-read the wholeseries, natch - just the main books (not the connectors) from New to oh, I'd guess Maid of or so. This has been a slow process, because I've been busy this week. I've been bringing them to work to read on my lunch - I quite enjoyed the day I brought Queen of and tried to describe the plot to a baffled co-worker (baffled because she couldn't see the attraction).
I've also been reading quite a few blogs, including one that alludes to a relationship as romantic - and alas, as unreal and improbable - as anything I'd find in the Abbey Girls. But just as I like to read about Oxenham's unreal romances, I like to read about the unlikely relationships of people I know. Awww.


Saturday, June 10, 2006

buying books

I'm behind at work, because I'm short-staffed, so I'm frantically trying to spend the rest of my book budget in the next few days. The fiscal year ends soon - at least here, it does. You'd think buying books would be fun - and it is, sort of, but this is the second Saturday night in a row I've spent buying books for hours on end. I shouldn't complain - there are far worse jobs to have, and at least I have a job. But I don't want my burnout to make even the fun jobs seem tedious.
I've also been reading early Vorkosigan - Cetaganda and The Vor Game - which I enjoyed more than expected. I guess it's not that I dislike Miles all the time - just when he's seemingly infallible.
I also got unabridged copies of The New Abbey Girls and The Abbey Girls Again yesterday. It's a miracle I didn't fall on them and lock myself up today for a good read, but - I had work to do. I've never read the unabridged New and Again before, so I'm very excited. This fits in nicely with my new late-night Sims obsession - I love building houses and renovating them. Sim lives and relationships are dull, by comparison. But I created a whole neighborhood of Abbey Sims, basing their characters, appearance, and decor on Oxenham's characters. To my amusement, hardly anyone likes Joy, and Maidie is somewhat clingy.

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Sunday, June 04, 2006

Thorn Birds

Last week - ten days ago, I mean - I was flipping channels, because I'm always impatient when watching TV (especially extras-filled American Idol episodes). So I was pleased to find The Thorn Birds miniseries on. I hadn't seen it, or read the book, for years, but I remembered more than I would have thought. For example, a fire started, and I told my SO, "ok, when we come back in a few minutes, someone will be crying" (I couldn't remember who, or who died in the fire). And I was right. So I checked out the book and I've been re-reading it. It's better than I feared it would be - I think the last McCullough I read was The Ladies of Missalonghi, which seemed like (and is) a lame re-write of LMM's Blue Castle.
I've also fallen back into Bujold again - I just re-read Memory and Komarr.
At work, the Summer Reading Programs have started - incentive programs for kids to read over the summer. They're a lot of work, which explains why I can't think of anything else to write. Sorry!