Undead and...
At a co-worker's request, I've been reading a surprisingly good self-published book (not written by my co-worker, btw). I have very low standards for books that aren't published by a mainstream publisher ("mainstream" isn't quite the word I want, because I respect most small presses too - I'm trying to avoid the word "real", because it's condescending. But accurate). It's not going to win any awards, but something about the tone made me put the self-published book down and find The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley. Some strange echo of McKinley's elevated style that she used in the Damar books, I think.
So that has been fun, and has helped me get over the inevitable letdown when I finish a series. I'd spent last weekend reading MaryJanice Davidson's books about the vampire queen, Betsy (Undead and Unwed, etc.). They're a hoot, even if they're too graphic to recommend to most people of my acquaintance.
I'm pissed off that Lubar's Sleeping Freshmen didn't get more honors on Monday and Tuesday, when the Printz and Newbery and BBYA were announced. If Criss Cross is Newbery material (which it isn't, IMO), then so is Lubar. Lubar was robbed, and I was glad to read a lot of messages to that effect on YALSA-BK.
Labels: SF/fantasy, YA