Dear Reader

Not a bookselling site - just a place where I can chat about what I've been reading lately.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

more about Truth

Last time, I forgot to mention the other tremendously irritating thing about Sarah Dessen's Truth About Forever: the main character, Macy, works in a library. I'd read reviewers snarking about the inaccuracies of Macy's library job, and I thought they were hypersensitive librarian reviewers. But no. It really was that annoying - and worse, I was jarred out of the book any time Macy described her work. She, and two other teenagers, worked at some sort of information desk from 9 - 3 every day. No adult staff are ever mentioned. Despite the fact that it's summer, there are no children around. There are three teens working at this desk, but Macy never gets asked questions. Why is she there, then? What library is open not only at nine a.m., but on the Fourth of July?
Anyway, all this distracted me from why I logged on: to rave about Tamora Pierce's latest, Trickster's Queen. Both in Lady Knight and in Trickster's Queen, she has an admirable grasp of tactics and administering an army (or guerrilla forces) - rare in YA literature.



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