Dear Reader

Not a bookselling site - just a place where I can chat about what I've been reading lately.

Monday, July 25, 2005

weeping, pregnant Petra

I read Shadow of the Giant yesterday. Boy, it was lame - so lame that I can't even find ordinary words to describe it. So I'll use bad haiku:
Pregnant Petra cried -
Young Beans were scattered worldwide
All but one returned

One lost, three in space:
Surely Card will find fodder
For sequels in this.

What are the odds that
many leaders of the world
would be twenty-odd?

Not comfortable with
idea that Muslims need to
change how they are now.

Petra and Peter:
Similar names - "I love you"
failed to convince me.

"Ender's Game" great read:
More books unnecessary.
Please, Mr. Card, stop!



At 11:05 AM, Blogger DearReader said...

That said, I was pleased to see Petra lead an army for a while. The book wasn't awful, just unnecessary; each new book in the series dims the lustre of the first (and best) Ender book.


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