Dear Reader

Not a bookselling site - just a place where I can chat about what I've been reading lately.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

I've got a peaceful easy feeling...

...because I'm already sitting on a fishing platform, listening to a woodpecker and watching for my friend Mark, who has just gone on off on a mad dash to an archaelogical site. I was reading When Zachary Beaver Came to Town for BBYA, and I don't think I'll ever think of the book again without remembering the lake, and the beautiful weather, and the rare moment of peace. In the same way, I might not think of Monster without remembering that I was in Tennessee when I read it, at Amy's lovely house, with the dogs barking outside.



At 10:27 PM, Blogger DearReader said...

Oh, the silence is fabulous, isn't it? I liked that when I was on vacation, too - and I also enjoyed my time away from library blogs, thogh I'm all caught up with them again.


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