Dear Reader

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Monday, April 21, 2008

taking "vanity press" literally

Time is short at the moment, so I can't write much. I don't think I have to; one could imagine my comments, and chagrin, at this. Even the generally negative media attention isn't making me feel much better.


At 3:39 AM, Blogger Phillip H. said...

Lol, that's pretty funny. People will make a book about anything these days. Honestly I'm suprised it didn't come out sooner than it did. :)

Can you blame the person that put out the book though? I bet he saw it as a compliment to his practice (read make more $$), and I think it probably suceeded in that regard. From what I've seen on Dr. 90210, the intended market will probably eat this up. One has to wonder though if this would really help little Timmy understand, instead of just glamorizing the whole thing.

At 9:26 PM, Blogger DearReader said...

Oh, I'm sure he'll make money on it. Frighteningly, if the author had been Dr. Will from Dr. 90210, I would have a copy on order by now. The book would still be terrible, probably, but I would have been more amused by it.
The book seems to have some good tips about being careful around someone who has just had surgery - that would be a good tip for the child of anyone who had surgery, of course, not just the kids of those who get nose jobs.
It's not that the idea of the book is terrible. But it's not well written, and - yeah, its existence seems like one of the signs of the Apocalypse.


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