my last post?
This might be my last post - I'm not getting a bloody Google account (with all the lack of privacy that entails) just to keep blogging. I'm irritated that Blogger has joined forces with Google. So if I can't log in again without a Google account, then this is the end of this blog.
Which is a pity, because I've enjoyed it.
I hope now! I enjoy reading your blog. Why are you worried about switching? You don't get unsolicited e-mail or advertisements if you sign up with new Blogger. It's not like Google will spam you. If you're worried, how about creating a new e-mail address (do you get multiples like I do on Earthlink?) just to sign up for new Blogger? Then once the blog is transferred and established, you can kill the e-mail address. Or you can get an anonymous address from I know someone who has a blog using a hushmail account.
LOL. That was "I hope NOT."
I have a book blog, too, and enjoy reading book blogs.
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